
What are the benefits of eating well?

Food plays a decisive role in protecting our health. All the scientific studies show that a varied and balanced diet helps to limit the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, obesity and diabetes.

In our modern lives, we are subjected to a number of undesirable external factors that are harmful to our bodies, such as pollution, stress, chemical treatments of our food and the industrialised products we consume that are too fatty and too sweet.

That’s why it’s essential to adopt a balanced diet. Eating well simply means giving priority to foods that are particularly beneficial to our health and limiting consumption of others.

But eating well on a daily basis is sometimes less complicated than you might think. In fact, balance doesn’t mean eating everything in equal quantities: the important thing is simply to give priority to foods that are particularly useful to our health, and to limit consumption of others.

Each food family has its place on your plate, every day. Each plays a role, but not in the same quantities. While we recommend avoiding excessive consumption and limiting the intake of certain foods, there is no question of prohibiting them. Excess from time to time is part of life.

Questioning the way you eat from time to time, in order to acquire or maintain habits that are compatible with preserving your health, can be a source of added pleasure: the pleasure of taking your health into your own hands.

Benefits of eating well

Low-fat foods

  • Opt for sources of healthy fatty acids, such as avocado, olive oil or fish.
  • Avoid saturated fats such as hydrogenated oils, fried foods and butter.
  • Moderate carbohydrates and starches
  • As long as they are not refined, it is a good idea to eat small portions of pasta, potatoes or bread.

A high-fibre diet

  • Whole grains, legumes and vegetables are among the main sources of dietary fibre.
  • This nutrient is essential for regulating digestion, prolonging satiety and controlling cholesterol. It also helps to improve mood.

Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

  • To get adequate doses of vitamins and minerals, you need to eat 5 to 6 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. This will depend on the size and type of fruit. In general, fruit and vegetables should take up half your meal.
  • Depending on the type of vegetable, it is recommended that they occupy almost half of a main course when it comes to healthy eating.
  • They can also be found in other healthy foods such as whole grains and lean meats.

Limited sugar

  • White sugar, pastries, confectionery and all sources of sugar should be limited as much as possible.
  • This substance is one of the main enemies of metabolic health and weight, as a number of studies have shown.

Little salt

  • Salt is present in dozens of foods eaten every day. As well as limiting it to regular meals, it’s advisable to check pack labels to avoid overdoing it.

High-quality proteins

  • Lean meats, pulses and dairy products are sources of high-quality protein.
  • Consuming them in moderation every day is essential for recharging the body with energy and maintaining muscular and metabolic health.

Tips to eat well

Eat slowly

  • Chewing food well and eating it in a quiet place is also essential when eating.
  • You need to devote the necessary time to eating.

Divide portions

  • Instead of eating three large portions, the ideal is to divide the dishes into five or six meals a day.
  • This prevents continuous ‘nibbling’ and, in turn, improves metabolic activity.
  • Changing eating habits is one of the best ways to promote a healthy body. Are you still eating badly? Improve now!


Food provides dozens of nutrients that are involved in all the body’s functions. When these requirements are not met, the organs start to have problems and illnesses occur.